Breeding project - Campoma nr 47 "Blue star" - crossing fish from two strains of blue stars

Breeding project - Campoma nr 47 "Blue star" - crossing fish from two strains of blue stars

I have two Blue star strains:

1-  This is a strain I got from a fish friend and that has been debated wether or not is pure or hybrid.
Phil said it's pure whilst Adrian and other's are less sure.

Strain 2- This is a strain I specifically ordered in from via one of my local petshops in Oslo
NB: I was dissapointed to see that there were non Blue star males in the tank with the Blue stars when I arrived at the shop to pick them up!
I'm not sure if the shop or messed up but..I got my 3 pairs anyways and the males looked great! Turns out the females must have been pre-hit cos the two oldest males from the first batch coloured out as Campoma nr 48 - Black-Green of which there were none in the tank at the shop...

One of the male offspring from the BLue star strain from
which is the reason for my current Blue star project!

Creating my own blue star strain

So for this project I am using two of the males from Strain 2, with 4 young females from Strain 4 to see if this will produce a good looking strain of Blue stars without throwbacks to other strains.


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