Cumana endlers - El Silverado

This fish was found and collected near a highway in the southern part of Cumana Venezuela in February 2013, collected by Phillip Voisin

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This strains is highly controversial as many people don't believe it to be a wild caught fish, but that the silver colouration comes through Guppy - Poecilia reticulata genes. I personally believe this is a wild caught phenotype from the Cumana region, Phil himself writes that- my son caught "el SIlverado" himself in 2013, near Cumana autopista . And also some Jose Flores looking like fishes in Los PAtos

Here is a link to pictures of fish caugh by Jose Flores - a native of Cumana, Venezuela.

(Some people also question the validity of the wild caught fish)

The El Silverado is also plagued with being used on purpose to create hybrids with Guppies because people want to create hybrid strains with the silver metalic colour (which they would not need this strain for if there were Guppies with this colour allready)

I keep two strains in separate tanks.

Strain 1: This I got from a petshop in Krogstadelva, unfortunately they were mixed in with another phenotype - the label said Campoma nr 25 multicolour but I think the fish looked more like orchid endlers this strain is my "wild type El Silverado endlers"

 Strain 2: This group came from  Anne Mette Bakke who bought them at an auction in Bergen. This is my P-class strain.


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