Limia tridens - Tiburon limia
Limia tridens - Tiburon limia
Origin: Haiti and Dominican Republic -
I got my fish from a petshop in Oslo
This is a curious fish, my first female to drop fry, dropped 12, but 7 were dead and 4 out of the remaining 5 died after a few days.
I suspect the stress of moving her into a separate container to drop the fry killed them.
The next time I got fry, my two females dropped fry simultaneously! Over the course of about 2 hours I had 75 fry! I am not sure if it's common for fish to have syncronized pregnancies like this, but it happened once, and I am curious to see if they will drop fry simultaneously in the future.
All the fry - both the first one I got - which turned out to be a female, and her 75 younger siblings, have a dark spot on their dorsal fin, making it easy to distinguish the fry from the adults once they grow up.
I will post pictures of this very soon!
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