Micropoecilia picta - The Scarlet livebearer
Micropoecilia picta - The Scarlet livebearer
Micropoecilia picta has many common names, including The Scarlet Livebearer, Swamp guppy, Picta red and Painted guppy.
Wikipedia does not have any information on this species - in English but I got the following from:
They are distributed throughout Central and South America, from Trinidad to the Amazon River Delta countries of Brazil, French Guiana, Guyuana, and Trinidad Tobago
In nature red is a natural colour morph and the normal colour is more gray/black in base where the red morph is..red. There is also a yellow morph, and there seems to be shades in between so I'm not sure exactly how "stable" the morphs are.
In the first picture the male at the bottom seems to be less intense red than the other male even though they both are of the red morph.
I read that females are "weak" after they drop fry, and this seems to be true.
I got 18 fish from two petshops in the start of May 2019
6red and 1 yellow male and 11 females. I kept them in two separate tanks of 20 liters each.
After a month I had 11 adult fish left
4 red males and 7 females and moved them to a larger 45l tank.
After yet another month all my females were dead and I was left with 1 adult red male and about 15 fry of various ages.
The fry are growing and seem very healthy so when I'm able to tell the sexes apart I will try to keep the females with just one or maybe two males in a heavily planted tank to see if they will last longer with less stress from males.
The males mating display consists of them literally dancing circles around the females - a pure joy and wonder to watch!
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