Fry, fry and more fry :)

Fry, fry and more fry :)

Fry update 24.07.2019!

The fun thing about livebearing fish is how most of them are quite easy to get fry from ! All you have to do is wait and sooner or later you'll have fry :D

Right now I have some pretty exiting fry from some awesome fish !

The Heterandria formosa - Location Fellesmere, Florida 2001 - Finn Larsen have at least 7 fry of various sizes. I have two adult females who are both very round and keep dropping fry :) 

 I have a small colony of Poecilia obscura - location unknown, but they dropped at least 5 fry less than a week ago :)

 Adult P.obscura with fry :)

 My Poecilia chica - Dwarf Molly female with a few of her fry, I think..she droopped about 9 3 weeks ago. They grow fast ! 

Here are some of my Quintana atrizona fry ! 
I have a small colony of 2 females and 4 males. They belong to the following location: Guanimar,Cuba, Old Fehlau strain - 1987. They dropped fry 2,5 weeks ago, but I moved them from the tank with the adults after observing the largest female chase down and eat one of the fry. Atm I have 11 in with my P.obscura and the Quintanas are the same size as the 5 P.obscura fry which are not predated on by the adult guppies :)

Other fry I have are 
Limia tridens - Tiburon limia
Poecilia reticulata - Guppy - wild caught Colombian
Poecilia wingei - Lime green
Poecilia wingei - El Silverado - both strains
Poecilia wingei - El tigre
Poecilia wingei - Campoma nr 31 - blue snake
Poecilia wingei - Campoma nr 47 - blue star - both strains
Poecilia wingei - nr 48 - green-black
Micropoecilia picta - Swamp guppy/Red picta
Xiphophorus pygmaeus - El Naceimento de Rio Huichihuayan, San Luis Potosi. Mexico (Ivan Dibble), 1996, yellow form


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