Quintana atrizona - Barred topminnow
My fish come from the "Old Fehlau strain that was collected in 1987 in Guanimar. Cuba.
I got them from Arild Strandberg - another member of Poecilia Scandinavia.
I was first made aware of them when I read an article about them in the magazine published and distributed to members of Poecilia Scandinavia - I was at the time of publication not yet a member, so I found the text in the members section of that group.
I then contacted Arild who I saw also lives in Norway and asked him if he still kept this fish and if he had any to spare - he did, and I now have a fantastic little group of 4 males and two very pregnant females :)
I've seen some people write that this fish is similar to the Heterandria and Neoheterandria species, but I don't find this to be true at all. The Quintana atrizona seems to utilize the whole tank - they spend time grazing algae off plants and searching for food at the bottom of the tank. The males will also chase the females in what seems to me as quite a playfull manner. They also seem to "shoal" more than the other two species.
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