Poecilia reticulata - wild caught Colombia and Nigeria

Poecilia reticulata - wild caught Colombia and Nigeria

Theese are wild caught specimens of the common domestic fancy guppy. I got my wild caught Colombians at a petshop in Krogstadelva, and my wild caught Nigerians from a petshop in Oslo - all of which come from Imazo.se

wild caught Colombian male

wild caught Colombian male, female and one of the first fry I got from them

The bottom male in this picture is the same as in the two previous pictures, so here we can see how much of an effect lighting has in regards to showing the colour intensity of the fish. He appears a lot paler in this picture and almost looks like a different fish altogether.

This is the first wild caught Nigerian guppy I got, unfortunately he died before I could get a hold of some more to keep him company.

Next batch of wild caught Nigerian guppies.


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