Phallichthys tico - Dwarf Merry Widow

Phallichthys tico - Dwarf Merry Widow

This fish is native to Costa Rica.

From what I've read this is an easy fish to keep, but I've had no luck with them. 

My fish come from a petshop in Oslo via

I started out with two pairs that I kept with a group of Micropoecilia picta, but I lost them all after about a month.
Here is a picture of some of the first fish that I had.

This guy is a new one that I picked up from the same place where I got my first 2 pairs. When the shop first got them in there were maybe 15 males and 2 females in a tank, and this guy was the last one left after about 2 months in the shop.
I have ordered a trio from via the petshop so hopefully he can get some tankmates of his own species by this week-end.

Update 15.07.2019 - I received the fish I ordered last friday 12.07.2019
1 male and two females :)

here are pictures I took this week-end just gone :)
The new male is slightly smaller than the one I have from before - but he is a more intense yellow colour! 

Stunning colour!

One of the females 

 two pairs :) 


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