Xenotoca eiseni -Red-tailed splitfin/Goodeid
Xenotoca eiseni -Red-tailed splitfin/Goodeid
The Redtail Splitfin is endemic to the Mexican federal state of Nayarit.
information from - http://www.goodeidworkinggroup.com/xenotoca-eiseni
I never planned on buying goodeids, it just happened :P
I had recently stumbled accross Andrew Piorkowski's youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOAnUgXNZaehQ8g2wB9xfIQ
where he talks about lot's of different livebearers, but mostly about goodeids, when I noticed a lone goodeid swimming in a tank with other fish at one of my local petshops in Oslo!
I instantly recognized it as a goodeid, although I had never before seen a live goodeid, and I had to have it.
So I bought her and brought her home and put her in a tank with Limia nigrofasciata and some cory catfish. I posted a picture of her on various facebook pages and got her id'ed as Xenotoca eiseni (I do not know which of the 3 species she is...(X.eiseni was recently split into X.eseni, X.daodrioi and X.lyonsi)
I was then told that X.eiseni have a nasty reputation for nipping other fish's fins, and especially the fins of cory catfish! I hurried to move her to another tank where I had 4 Limia tridens, but moved her after one of the female limia's died ---I'm not sure I can blame her death on the goodeid, but better safe than sorry.
I then moved her to her own tank where she lived for a few months before I put her outside in a pool with 6 Chapalichthys pardalis - Polkadot splitfins. She now lives there with them as well as with 3 Limia vittata and 5 Poecilia reticulata - wild caught Nigerian guppies. Despite the size difference none of the smaller fish are attached by the goodeids.
I have not been able to find any X.eiseni males, but I did stumble accross two small goodeids in that same petshop in Oslo where I bought the adult female. It seemed as if they had come in by mistake with a large group of black bar hybrid endlers.
I was told they were X.eiseni by several people in one of the goodeid groups on facebook but again I don't know if they are X.eiseni, daodrioi or lyonsi
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