Cumana endlers - Lime green
The lime green was originally collected by Armando Pou 2006 and line breed and introduced to the hobby by Adrian Hernandez
My fish come from a petshop in Oslo via and thus I can't trace the origin back to Adrian so my fish would be classed as P.class endlers in the endlers classification system.
As you can see the 3 adult males I first bough show some variation, the first two having less of a black bar, and having orange and black in their dorsal fins in addition to white. The third male also shows some red as well as green body colour.
Here is a family pic showing young males and male nr 3. (Male nr 2 died, and i traded away male nr 1)
Below are pictures of the first 5 young males to colour out.
Pictures taken 30.06.2019
I keep this group in a paludarium with Geosesarma sp. "golden eye" vampire crabs, and under "correct" lighting the males really flash their green colouration :)
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