Xiphophorus maculatus - Domestic strain

Xiphophorus maculatus - Domestic strain 

A hybrid fish - a cross between the Southern platy Xiphophorus maculatus x Green swordtail Xiphophorus hellerii

The fish commonly sold in pet shops is not a pure strain of X. maculatus, but is a hybrid between X. hellerii and X. maculatus

I...caved and bought two females of a domestic strain of Platy.
I am however hoping to be able to find some wild strains this autumn.

I bought them as "Red tuxedo" platy, but I think the correct name is "Blue Red coral" platy or "Blue Redtail" platy. I have however also seen them as "Malibu sunset" platy.

They are larger than my biggest Limia tridens females, and I keep them in a tank of their own. 
They didn't have any males of this colour at the petshop so I just got the females.
Although they aren't wildtype fish, I'm not prepared to mix colours.


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