New year and yet more changes !

 Hi guys ! So I've been bad at updating and maintaining this blog, but going to work to change that in the coming year :D

So what's the status in my fishroom as of february 2022 ?

Less domestics !

I was lucky and was able to bring a lot of my fish to an auction in Larvik last autumn and got rid of most of my endler and guppy strains, wild type mollies and domestic xiphophorus (platy and swordtails) 

More goodeids and wild xiphophorus !

I've been adding to my goodeid "collection" and now keep 11 species:

Allotoca meeki Lago de Opopeo

Allotoca goslinei Rio Potrero Grande

Ameca splendens Rio Teuchitlan

Ataeniobius towerii - aquarium strain

Chapalichthys pardalis - aquarium strain

Chapalichthys pardalis Presa de San Juanico - this is what previously was called the Chapalichthys peraticus and is sometimes still sold as such.

Skiffia multipunctata Lago de Camecuaro, Andreas Tveteraas 1991 collection

Xenotoca daodrioi San Marcos

Xenotoca eiseni - aquarium strain (only two males, so am on the look out for more)

Xenoophorus captivus Manantiales de Illescas

Zoogoneticus purhepechus Laguna de Magdalena

Zoogoneticus tequila Rio Teuchitlan

I've also got some more wild xipho's so now I keep

Xiphophorus helleri Rio Atoyac 

Xiphophorus helleri Rio Seco 2

Xiphophorus kallmani Lake Catemaco

Xiphophorus montezumae Rio Tamazopo

Xiphophorus signum Rio Chajmaic

Xiphophorus milleri Lake Catemaco

Xiphophorus xiphidium Rio Purification

Xiphophorus xiphidium - aquarium strain x2

Xiphophorus variatus Hotel Taninul 

Xiphophorus variatus Code 1243 (only 2 males left)

Xiphophorus maculatus Chuco's place, Kees de Jong 2019 collection 

Location coordinates 18.37166 - 92.69411

Losses and aditions:

I lost my Allotoca dugesii Rio Santiago group - they dropped fry at least once, but only one fry survived but only for a few days before I lost it too.

I lost my Limia islai group, and had decided to quit Limia's (in order to keep more goodeids and xipho's) but I recently bought 3.3 og Limia nigrofasciata.

I lost my Micropoecilia picta group but bought a Micropoecilia waiapi group which has recently had fry.

I also lost my last Belonesox belizanus female so now I only have 2 males left in a tank with black mollies.  This is a species I want to work more with so I'll be sure to order more if and when the opportunity arises.

New horizons:

I am focusing more and more on goodeids and especially the Allotoca species where the goal is to distribute them to other hobbyists and enthusiasts in Norway and hopefully help boost numbers of both keepers and fish.


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